The second priest I spoke to when I had a philosophical dilemma with capital punishment was Fr. Robert Reyes, the running priest. I first met him when he was the parish priest of UP Diliman. After I passed the bar, he called me up to ask for help in his freedom of speech case and thereby became my first client. I didn't bill him at the time and, up to now, whenever I take on a project in a new field, I render my services for free or at buena mano rates.
Recently, I assisted his parents Nati and Carlos in planning their estate. This photo was taken in the Hong Kong Country Club where the senior Reyeses had dinner with their son, who has chosen to spend his sabbatical as a school teacher in one of the poorest provinces in mainland China, and Evans Lowe, a founder of the Mansion House Group and one of the Hong Kong diocese's most successful investment fund managers.
Thanks to MDG icon Noel Cabangon for the song "Let Your Spirit Shine" in the podcast.
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