Twittering Machine

Saturday, June 30, 2007


I was touched with the welcome I received from my cousin Dave and other Californians. Some friends from ISM who live in the Bay Area- Marni, Maiko, Kenny, Emil, Yumi, and of course Trish- even organized a dinner in Oliveto's in Oakland.

Trish, Gari and Tita Nora drove me to the Sisons in Beverly Hills. The house where I stayed was the hub of anti-Marcos activities in the US during Martial Law- among its visitors then were Steve Psinakis, Heherson Alvarez, and Raul Manglapus.

The Sisons live near the house of the late Dovie Beams who, according to Dr. Mon, revealed as early as December 1971 that Marcos was going to declare Martial Law. "I should've told everyone then," he said, "but I didn't believe her. Marcos told her during their lovemaking- she knew about his plans nine months before Martial Law was declared."

Gari took the above picture of me and Trish before we left their hotel to have a traditional Filipino dinner of fish and tinola with the colorful Sisons.

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