Twittering Machine

Monday, May 14, 2007


I'm taking a holiday this morning to choose who I'm voting for. I find PDI's tools for voters, especially the podcasts of candidates, helpful- I just wish someone had already tabulated their stand on various issues to make the comparison easier.

To make my search easier, I'm zeroing in on the issue of human rights, particularly due process and equal protection to women, gays and minorities, which I find important. I'm surprised by the results: I'm still adding and dropping candidates based on their level of commitment to these.

The Seminarians' Network (SemNet), an association of 25 major Catholic seminaries in the country is accepting and posting reports on election-related incidents sent through SMS. Text your reports of any election irregularities to:

09167050281 (Globe) or
09286685292 (Smart).

You may also send reports to ABS-CBN: text ireport, name, address, complaint or report and send to 2366. You may send email to or

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