Today is Mom's birthday and I had promised to get her a copy of Flowers, White House Style that I found on sale in Ali Mall. When I returned to the bookstore, however, I couldn't find it anymore- it had already been bought by someone else.
I'd like to think that since Mom's birthday falls on Pentecost this year, the Spirit of Invention guided me to find an even better book: Memories of Philippine Kitchens by Amy Besa and Romy Dorotan, proprietors of Cendrillon restaurant in Manhattan. Blog reviews may be found here and here. When Mom quietly leafed through the book immediately after I gave it to her this morning, I knew I had given a perfect gift. Even Inang, who is in her eighties, seemed to appreciate the book's presentation of dishes she has cooked for us through the years.
As for me, I found that even kutsinta tastes better after just a quick read of Memories, which is part cookbook, part history. The images by Neal Oshima and essays by Besa and Chef Dorotan made me appreciate the hands that create even the humblest of Filipino food and the often hidden artistry behind their creation.
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